Defining the word “Church”

It is disheartening that so many Christians do not have a good grasp of what the church is. Some would simply define the church as “the people”, which is an incorrect answer that accomplishes two things: 1. It leaves much […]

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Defining the word “Christian”

            Biblically defining the word “Christian” is a much-needed discussion, for we are being flooded by today’s religious culture who misuse, misapply, and misunderstand the word “Christian”, and unfortunately, the church has never been immune to the influence of contemporary […]

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Am I Really Doing God’s Will?

            The question, am I really doing God’s will, is not an easy one to answer. And it’s not because God was unclear concerning His will, for “His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life […]

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What is God’s Will?

We often hear people talking about God’s will, but what does the bible reveal concerning the will of God? Is it something that can be ascertained and identified by mere humans? The answer is simple but requires first an acknowledgment […]

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