Category: Featured

Do Not Quench the Spirit

In 1 Thessalonians 5:19, the apostle Paul admonishes the brethren, saying, “Do not quench the Spirit.” But what does that mean? And does it apply today? There are many scriptures that deal with matters of the Holy Spirit that pertain […]

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The Elephant and the Blind Men

The tale of the blind men and the elephant is quite old, though we do not know exactly when or where it came to be told. The tale is usually told like this: “A group of blind men heard that […]

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Sabbath: The Shadow of True Rest

The Sabbath was instituted by God from Mount Sinai to teach Israel specific spiritual truths about the work of Christ. Thus, according to the scriptures, the Sabbath was a temporary shadow of a greater reality in Jesus. In Nehemiah 9:13-14, […]

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Why God Wrestled with Jacob

What does Jacob wrestling with the Lord symbolize and why doesn’t God win? The account of Jacob wrestling with God is found in Genesis 32, where Jacob is soon to meet up with Esau, his brother whom he had taken […]

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Misconceptions of David and Goliath

The account of David and Goliath has been told and retold countless times; it stands to reason that certain details have been told that are not actually in the bible. Especially with an account that has been slimmed down for […]

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Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

An insurmountable feeling of awe washes over the reader of Psalm 139. The seemingly simple words cause us to come face to face with the intimate relationship between God and man, Creator and creation. The deep connection enjoyed by the […]

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