
64 Articles

What was the World’s First Language?

The first language, the language of Adam and Eve, has been lost, with no hope of rediscovery. While it is clear from the book of Genesis that Adam and Eve and their descendants had a spoken language, we have no […]

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The Fullness of Time

Galatians 4:4 states that “when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law”. It is often believed that the fullness of time refers to the time in human […]

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Should we always Kneel to Pray?

This is a question I received recently: “Since we follow the apostles’ examples for authority, why don’t we kneel when we pray? (References: Acts 7:60, 9:40, 21:5; Mark 1:40, Matthew 17:14, 18:26, 20:20, Psalms 95:6)” It is true that we […]

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Challenges and Solutions for Church Growth

I believe there are two types of small churches. One of them desires to grow but does not. The other desires to grow and does. The reason for this difference is the amount of work done toward the goal. Growth […]

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What Must I Do To Be Saved?

Below is a compilation of properly sourced information of what many of the major religions believe today concerning salvation. Followed by this is a data chart that shows how people were saved in the days of the 1st Century church. […]

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